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The Boraginaceae, the borage or forget-me-not family, includes a variety of shrubs, trees, and herbs. These plants have alternately arranged leaves, or a combination of alternate and opposite leaves. The leaf blades usually have a narrow shape; many are linear or lance-shaped. They are smooth-edged or toothed, and some have petioles. Most species have bisexual flowers, but some taxa are dioecious. Most species have inflorescences that have a coiling shape, at least when new. The flower has a usually five-lobed calyx. The corolla funnel-shaped or tubular, generally has five lobes, may appear closed by hairs at the throat of the tube. Corolla can be green, white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, or blue. There are five stamens and one style with one or two stigmas. Fruit consisting of 4, occasionally fewer, nutlets, often ornamented and hidden within the persistent calyx. Most members of this family have hairy leaves and bristly stems.