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Round-leaved Sundew Drosera rotundiflolia Sundew family On sphagnum moss South Uist

Dove’s-foot crane’s-bill Geranium molle Geranium family South Uist

Crosswort – Cruciata laevipes Dalmarnock Bridge Glasgow May 2012

Veronica Montana – Wood Speedwell Figwort Family Glasgow – Clyde cycle path May 2012

Slender Speedwell Figwort family Forth and Clyde canal near Linlithgow 22 April

Few Flower Leek Allium Paradoxum Lily Family Glasgow – Clyde Cycle Path March 25

Shepherd’s Purse Capsella bursa-pastoris Edinburgh Waste ground by wall March

Colt’s Foot Tussilago farfara Daisy family Glasgow New transport museum March